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 March 19, 2009

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Number of posts : 1993
Age : 29
Location : New York
Millsberry Username : Millsberry_Chats021
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March 19, 2009 Empty
PostSubject: March 19, 2009   March 19, 2009 Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2009, 1:21 pm

March 19, 2009 Gazette_20090319

By Audrey Smythe-Wei

Thursday, March 19, 2009
With Women's History Month only a little more than halfway through, the people have spoken and the new statue of Sacagawea has been erected in Lakeview.

Mayor Wright and Edna Nelson of the Millsberry Historical Society were both on hand at the grand unveiling of the shiny new monument.

Many of Millsberry's faithful also came out for the ceremony, which honored Sacagawea and women everywhere.

"I think Sacagawea was a great choice by the citizens of Millsberry. I didn't want to say anything to sway the vote, but she was my favorite, too," whispered Nelson with a smile.

"Sacagawea contributed so much to the world. And she's been a great role model for women everywhere," added Nelson.

Mayor Wright greeted citizens after the ceremony, noting how pleased he was with the new addition, and with Millsberry's celebration of Women's History Month.

"I'm no art expert, but I have to say, it's very impressive. I think they got it just right," said the Mayor, assessing the statue.

"I was around to give them some guidance during the sculpting. Luckily, they paid no attention to me. If they had, who knows how it might've turned out! The ears could have ended up in the completely wrong place," laughed Mayor Wright.

Before the statue was unveiled, Nelson had a few words to say about Sacagawea

"I hope people will stop here, when passing by, to take a few minutes to learn about her life and all her accomplishments."

"I hope that she will inspire some of you, in the way she inspired me. Sacagawea remains a great example of what we can achieve when we set our minds to it."

It looks like Women's History Month has already been a huge hit—and it's not over yet, so come on down to Lakeview and check out the just-unveiled statue today!


Thursday, March 19, 2009
In the midst of trying to find their way home to Los Angeles from New York, Bolt and his friends stopped by Millsberry to catch their breath. Bolt, Rhino and Mittens found the citizens of Millsberry to be very nice and helpful, bringing them water and showing them a great place in Peabody Park to take a nap. To say thanks, Bolt left fun treats all over town. Keep your eyes open and you will find cool prizes like a Bolt t-shirt or scooter! They also left items for you to collect just by clicking here!
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